by Captain Airyca

Alone Show Contestants Social Media List – Season 9

It’s the best time of year! Time for a new season of Alone on the History Channel! Looks like season 9 will be airing on Thursday, May 26th at 9/8c.

What is Alone? Here’s a quick recap: 10 people are dropped off out into the middle of nowhere (Labrador, Canada this time) to survive by themselves AND film themselves (no camera crew!!) for the grand prize of $500,000. Whomever survives the longest wins. Each participant has no clue how long the others have been out there, and one can “tap out” if you can’t take it anymore. They take 10 items from small gear list of their choosing to help survive in the wilderness. It’s the most legit survival show on TV (imo).

Every season, I make an effort to post the links to the participants public social media pages and websites in one place so that you can find them easily. I am in no way associated with the History Channel, the production crew, anything like that. I just think this show is rad!

FYI: if you post on social media about the Alone show use the #AloneShow and #AloneSeason9 so people can see your posts.

Juan Pablo Quiñonez

Website / Instagram / Facebook / YouTube / Alone Show Bio

Karie Lee Knoke

Website / Instagram / YouTube / Facebook / Alone Show Bio

Dr. Teimojin Nicholas Tan

Website / Instagram / Facebook / YouTube / Twitter / TikTok / Alone Show Bio

Adam Riley

Website / Instagram / Facebook / YouTube / Alone Show Bio

Jessica (Jessie) Krebs

Website / Instagram / Facebook / Alone Show Bio

Tom Garstang

Alone Show Bio / Instagram / YouTube

Terry Burns

Alone Show Bio

Benjamin (Benji) James Hill

Website / Instagram / Instagram 2 / YouTube / Alone Show Bio

Igor Andre Yvan Antoine Limansky

Website / Instagram / Alone Show Bio

Jacques K. Turcotte

Instagram / Alone Show Bio

Looking to apply for the next seasons of Alone? You can email their casting team here. (pro tip: It NEVER costs money to apply for Alone. Beware of scams!)

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